*Edit* and thanks to mr/ms anonymous comment who said my blogs are getting a bit better. i hope to please! thanks for the feedback. I like hearing about how people think about this blog and the things I put time into.

So, I finally moved into my new place in Santa Barbara, CA!! (actually it's in Goleta, but eh, details. XD) It's this nice 2 bedroom 1 bathroom apartment in the middle of all the shops/food, which is perfect for me cause I love to food and for some weird reason, grocery stores. :) The place is nice, and our neighbors seems really good too. I have 2 other girls living with me, but actually, we had one other girl, but she decided super last minute that Brook's was not for her. So she moved out super quick and now we're 3. Now I have an empty bed next to me and lots of closet space. And since we're part of a housing company with Brook's we don't have to pay extra since we lost a girl. I like the layout of my things and we've been starting to get a lot of more personal things like art and stuff for the walls. They're looking a little white and boring lately. >_< Today I made my first meal on my own. I tried my mom's teriyaki chicken recipe and it was a huge hit. :) Should have made a bit more rice and even though I'm not really a salad person, I ate quite a bit.

The first week of school starts on Monday, and I have classes from 10:15am-1:00pm for Photo 111A (the beginning class) and then 1:30pm-4:15pm for a environmental science class for Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. On three Fridays there are scheduled photo shoots, but other than that it will just be work, work, work. 2 months of crazy living will be starting soon. We have to live in this R&R housing for at least June, but hopefully I will make good enough friends that I can move to a cheaper and better place. :D

I'm far away from my friends, but I've been branching out and making a lot of new ones. The feeling for me is that great friends can never be replaced. And I know I will be going back to see them. :) But all in all, I can't wait to get started on my photo career and get out there and do what I love. ^_^ 2010 is going to be crazy!
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