Hmm, well I don't know if these would necessarily make up a soundtrack to my life...well maybe I'll pick some of the most influential songs or ones that I can never get tired of.
1. m-flo's The Love Bug
This song changed my life. I was a middle school who had just started getting into anime. BoA was a favorite of mine from some of the songs I had listened to so I was always looking for stuff by her (back when I had to download mp3 links with that took forever!). I went to San Francisco's Kinokuniya and was looking through their little music kiosk where they used to have the latest PV's from Japanese artists. In there I found a PV titled The Love Bug m-flo ♥ BoA. I watched it and instantly fell in love. I raced over to the bookcases filled with CD's and bought the single as soon as I found it. m-flo has been my favorite group since then, and Verbal is my all time favorite rapper. They introduced me to a multitude of Japanese artists and really kick started my love for Asian music in general. Thinking about it now, majority of the artists that I follow have been introduced to me through m-fo. This song is one of the first songs that I learned to sing in Japanese without ever having taken a class. And my junior year of high school, I found someone who was willing to sing this duet with me. :) But before that I used to do all the parts by myself....and people found it pretty entertaining that I could rap in Japanese. XD m-flo has changed my life and I continue to follow their music, even if they aren't making music together anymore.
2. Pogo- Upular
I had heard Pogo's previous mix of Alice in Wonderland back when I was in high school. It was a forgotten memory until I came across Upular! I love how Pogo mixes movies. And not just any movies! He remixes all of my favorites from my childhood. Even down to the exact version of The Secret Garden that I loved. The fact that he just picks out clips that he likes from movies and then can make entire songs from all of it. I think it's really a fantastic ability. Disney might hold him back at times, but his fans will definitely keep him going. I am so excited to see him live in San Francisco March 11th and I hope I will get a chance to meet him and tell him how influential he is to me as an artist.
3. And Run- He is We
I saw He is We open up for Yellowcard at their comback concert in November 2010. They were this cute 5 piece band with a classical pop/songwriter sound. They're from Seattle and currently touring the US with the Scene Aesthetic. This specific song is extremely catchy and has such good meaning. It's a great song about changing your life for yourself and making the best of it. One of my favorite verses is:
Filling my head with words to encourage me
Gotta get my act on straight so I can truly believe
That what I'm waiting for, is really worth the wait
Stop bringing myself down
I gotta know what makes me great
I'm going to open my mind to all these
New found exciting possibilities
They're style sounds like something that I grew up listening to, so they feel a bit nostalgic. I can't wait to follow them more and continue hearing them climb up the music scene.
4. Basshunter- GPS
Before 2008, I really hated techno. I never understood how people could listen to something that sounded the same for more than 6 minutes. I didn't get it and just pushed it away. Then my boyfriend at the time was really into techno. Basshunter was one of his favorites and he had me listen to it. I thought it was pretty cool and I loved the bounciness and energy that his songs had. They did sound similar, but it made me realize that techno can be cool. I love Basshunter's voice in his original work, and his American stuff is all about love, but still so energetic. Thanks to my ex, I was introduced into the world of techno and the variety it could provide. From there it really kept me open minded about listening to it which leads me to my next selection....
5. Tiësto- Escape Me
In Feb. 2010, I had a new roommate move in with me at my apartment for Brooks. Kiana is always so fun and cheery. And she was always singing. She was usually singing a little set list of songs and there was one in particular she was always singing/listening too. Finally, when we got more comfortable around each other, I asked her to share her music knowledge with me and I finally discovered the name of the song. It was Tiësto's Escape Me. I guess I can say that Tiësto and Kiana were the people who finally got me into techno for good. I even went to a rave for Halloween last year! I understand techno now and I such a bigger appreciation for it. There's a stigma that techno is created by talentless people. I've heard people say they think that DJ's just mix other people's music and can't create their own. I highly disagree after being introduced to so many different and talented musicians. So thanks to Kiana and Tiësto for cementing my love for electronic music.
6. Kina Grannis- Valentine
I first discovered Kina Grannis by a friend sending me a youtube video of her offical Valentine video. I instantly fell in love. The lyrics were so simple and beautiful and I thought the she was just a happy and cheery person. Soon after her album went on sale and I immediately downloaded a copy. Her songs are some of my most top played songs on my iTunes and I know all of the lyrics by heart. Her music is so simple, but it packs a lot of punch. I've seen her live 3 times now and she's just as akwardly adorable as she is in her youtube videos. This Valentines day I perfected finger picking and singing this song. I've been working on it since November, so it was a lot of work, but so worth it. Kina definitely inspired me to start playing guitar again and I will continue to support her music as she reaches for greater heights.

7. Monkey Majik- Sotsugyou, Soshite Mirai e (Graduation, and then to the future)
I became a fan of Monkey Majik after their duet with m-flo for Picture Perfect. This song came out in 2007, the same year I graduated so I feel like this is my graduation song. :) It reminds me of the good times I had with friends back then and that I am still close with a lot of good high school friends. It's not one of their more popular songs, but it's still a favorite and always brings a smile to my face. One of my favorite verses is:We could stay close say no goodbyes
Keeping our ties and never unwind
Maybe tomorrow we can go out for a ride
We’re driving for miles there’s always smile
Your very first kiss remember those days
‘Cause in my heart i know you’re close to me
8. Time (We Plants are Happy Plants remix)- Hans Zimmer
Inception was one of those movies that really made me wish I had tried going into cinematography. I love visually stunning movies like this and the dream sequences were very intricate visually. This is one of my favorite movies and I heard this mix last month. I loved this theme in the movie, especially when it's used at the ending, and hearing a remix of it actually work was really cool.
9. Gifts & Curses- Yellowcard
You can start the hating now, I don't care. Yellowcard was my favorite band back when SSX 3 came out (2003) because their track Way Away was in the soundtrack. I immediately went to the store and picked up a copy of Ocean Avenue and fell in love with their sound. I love that they use violin and Ryan Key is still one of my all time favorite vocalists. People hate them, people judge me, but I love them too much to care. I was so lucky and went to their comeback concert back in November 2010. It was everything I ever dreamed of. I even got the signatures of each member and I was able to tell Ryan Key that he is one of my favorite singers ever. They're comeback album is about to come out in March and they already have 2 singles out. This particular song by them was on the Spider-Man 2 soundtrack (a super legit soundtrack) but it's definitely one of my Yellowcard favorites. Forgive me for only finding a cheesy fan-video to share but at least the music is there. In the latest single, "For You and Your Denial" it opens up with Sean Mackin's violin. When I first heard it I thought to myself, "Yellowcard is back."

This is one of my favorite duets. Maybe because it's bittersweet? It's a sad song, but the vocals are really nice. It's just fun to sing, especially if you have someone sing with you.
11. Bristlecone- Trace Bundy
This is the first song on Trace Bundy's Adapt album, and it was the very first one I heard. Before this I had no idea that people could make such amazing music on guitar without having to sing. It amazed me that people have this much talent at playing guitar and made me appreciate a whole different style of playing.
12. Resistance- Muse
I saw Muse back in September 2010 because a friend couldn't go to the LA Staples Center show so he gave me his tickets. It was my first big venue and it was life changing. Every song they played I knew and seeing these masters of showmanship at work was fantastic. This live was so intense and so very very awesome. Resistance is a track from their latest album and I absolutely love this song. Matt Bellamy's voice is so wonderful and seeing this song live made me love this even more. Muse produces amazing music and maybe someday I will get to see them live again.

I don't remember how I found them. All I know is that I immediately loved them. Yes they rap, yet it sounds so different than the usual hip-hop/rap scene. I'm still fairly new to them, but I can't wait to hear more from them.
14. Journey- Morgan Komure
I feel like I keep on promoting my friend's music, but I really do feel like people enjoy it. But this was one of my favorite songs off his little demo tape and since he's made a youtube account and re-recorded it I still love the song. What's even more impressive is that it was the first song he wrote. I wish him luck with his future songwriting and promoting.

For those who don't know Electric Six, usually 2 of the introduction videos that you might know of theirs are Gay Bar and Danger! High Voltage!. They're music is upbeat and something you can't sit still too. I love the singer's unique voice and their song content is usually fun dance songs or ones about sex. hahaha. But seriously. No one else can make subjects like this as great as Electric Six.
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