I have known Morgan for almost 7 years now. He started just a few months before me at Sacramento's kendo dojo, so we were all kind of new together. We've been friends ever since. He is a self-taught guitar player and has been playing for about 4 years now. Morgan's recorded some things already, but is constantly working on new songs. His style is simply guitar (no singing) with a lot of fancy fret work. He's currently working on a youtube channel, but for now here's a link to a performance from 3 years ago. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y7h24MYm_pM
I went to visit this past weekend, and I asked if I could take some photos. My style of portraits is to take ones of people doing the things they love to do. I took the more natural approach since it's more his style, but the lighting was kind of strange, so I definitely want to try more some other time when I have better lighting. I also didn't do too many pictures with his face in it, because most people don't like having pictures of themselves on a wall. XD I am saving posting my favorite pictures till later. I want them to have impact when he sees them for the first time in person. I promise I'll post them up here later if people are interested. Maybe someday when he makes CD's I will be able to do his album art. :) I hope you enjoy these photos and look for Morgan in the future. :D

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